Kate Mulgrew Photos At a Fundraiser With Nancy Addison (Jill),
Rosie O'Donnell, and Geraldo Rivera
for the Incarnation Children's Center
As Mary Ryan
Maeve Tells Mary to Invite Jack for
Thanksgiving (November 1975)
Thanksgiving 1975, With the Family
Jack and Mary Just Before Christmas 1975
Mary Hangs the Decorations
(Christmas 1975)
Mary Talks Bucky Into Singing
(Christmas 1975)
Mary Tells Bob He Has Been Away Too Long
(Christmas 1975)
Mary Cheats and Opens a Present Before
Everyone Else is Up
(Christmas 1975)
Jack Gives Mary Emerald Earrings
(Christmas 1975)
Jack and Mary Sing Christmas Carols
(Christmas 1975)
Jack and Mary Bring Sister Mary Joel a
Belated Christmas Present (January 1976)