Nancy Addison-Altman Photos
In the PressSoap Opera Digest, March 1976
Provided by Wanda
Soap Opera Digest, March 1977
Provided by WandaAt a Cast Party With Hannibal Penney, Jr. (Clem)
Daytime TV Magazine, October 1977
Provided by WandaWith Catherine Hicks, Malcolm
Groome, and Hannibal Penney, Jr.
Daytimers, November 1977
Provided by Wanda
TV By Day Magazine, December 1977
Provided by WandaWith Andrew Robinson and John Gabriel
Afternoon TV, January 1978
Provided By WandaNancy Won Best Individual Serial Sequence in the
Afternoon TV Awards For the Abortion Clinic Scene
Soap Opera Digest, February 27, 1979
Provided by WandaJill and Frank
With Claudette Colbert in A Talent for Murder
Provided by Connie
CAPTION: CLAUDETTE COLBERT (right) stars as Anne Royce McClain, a best- selling mystery author with a multi-million dollar art collection and a notorious private life in "A TALENT FOR MURDER," the new suspense comedy by Jerome Chodorov and Norman Panama. Here she pins a gift (and perhaps a crime?) on her less than doting daughter-in-law, played by Nancy Addison Altman. "A TALENT FOR MURDER," directed by Paul Aaron and presented by Edwin S. Lowe, also stars JEAN-PIERRE AUMONT. Previews begin Tuesday, September 22, and opening night is Thursday, October 1, 6:30 p.m. at the Biltmore Theatre, 261 West 47th Street.
Afternoon TV, May 1980
Provided by SabrinaAt Joe and Siobhan's Wedding,
With Frank and Faith
Soap Opera News Daytimers Magazine, Dec 1980
Provided by Wanda
Daytimers, 1981
Provided by SabrinaJohnny, Maeve, Seneca and Jillian circa 1975
Source Unknown, 1983
Provided by ConnieJill, Roger and Faith
Soap History, 1984
Provided by WandaJill, Mitch, Faith, and Roger
Cooking (Thanksgiving 1982)
Frank, Jill, Bob, and Bill Campaigning
Source Unknown, Circa 1986
Provided by Connie
Soap Opera People, March 1987
Provided by WandaJill and Dakota
Soap Opera People, July 1987
Provided by WandaJill, Bess and Maggie
Soap Opera Digest, June 1988
Provided by Wanda
Soap Center, January 2000
With Frank and Johnny in the
Finale (January 13, 1989)
From the Late 1980s Opening
Soap Center, September 2000
Jill and Frank (1978)
Jill and Frank (St. Patrick's Day 1980)
Jill in 1975
A Strung-Out Jill With Seneca (1979)
Soap Opera Weekly, June 27, 2000
With Daniel Hugh Kelly, Bernard Barrow, and
Helen Gallagher, Circa the Late 1970s
Soap Opera Digest, July 25, 2000
Jill with Roger
Jill with Seneca
People Magazine, July 16, 2001
Jill and Seneca Circa 1979