Kate Mulgrew Photos
Page 2Mary Tries to Get Jack to Dance
(St. Patrick's Day 1976)
Mary Dances With Bob
(St. Patrick's Day 1976)
Jack and Mary Fight About
Marriage and Her Family
(St. Patrick's Day 1976)
Jack Proposes to Mary (April 1976)
Mary, Pat and Frank Sing to Maeve
on Mother's Day 1976
While Discussing Wedding Plans, Maeve Shows
Mary Her Wedding Outfit (June 1976)
June 1976
Mary Tries to Teach Bucky and
Frank Latin Dancing (June 1976)
The Ryans - Including Maeve and a Visiting
Kathleen - Pitch in to Make Mary's Wedding Dress
The Night Before the Wedding, Maeve Calms
Mary's Pre-Wedding Jitters (June 1976)
The Day of the Wedding, Bob Fantasizes That
He's the One Marrying Mary (June 1976)
Jack Tries to Convince Mary to Go Through With
the Wedding After He Gets Drunk and Is Late
Mary Isn't Sure She Can Go Through With It